02/03 s/v Trouble Update: This big northerly blow was bigger than Expected and lasted over 30 hours. Everything held, but it was very nerve-wracking.
My mooring ball is really close to a jagged rock wall and I didn’t like how my mooring pendant was attached. But I didn’t have any options, as the mooring field was full. At the peak of the wind, which was 48 knots, one of the wind generators’ electric brakes, which keep it from spinning, let loose. So the wind generator started in this high wind and it sounded like a chainsaw. I couldn’t do anything about it at this point. So it just spun with a ton of noise for a day. It did produce a lot of electricity, in fact too much. I started to make water (desalinate seawater to fresh), as it uses a lot of electricity and I was low on water. After the winds abated, I was able to get the wind generator brake back working. I didn’t sleep much during the Northerly blow. All the other cruisers had a rough time too, but everyone’s boat held and came out ok, just a bit frazzled.
I decided to stay an extra day and took a hike to a beach where I met some other cruisers. I hung out with them for the afternoon on the beach. Tomorrow I head off to Cambridge Cay as I work my way south to Georgetown, Great Exuma Island.