Monument Bay, Georgetown, Great Exuma — 12•28•21
Trouble and I were itching to get out of the Marina at Emerald Bay. After making sure my account at the marina was settled, I dropped the lines at 0920 hours (9:20 am). I was going to go to Goat Cay for a change, but the wind made that anchorage look a bit rolly. So I changed course to Monument Bay. It was a bit crowded but I anchored on the outer row of boats making sure I was plenty clear of the channel as the delivery boats for Georgetown come through here (always at night it seems).

I ended up anchoring next to another Catana, Crazy Love, who I’d met last year in the Bahamas, and also up at Dennis Point Marina over the summer. Hagging out here through New Year’s and making a few runs into Georgetown for provisions, were my only chores. I stopped by Crazy Love to talk for a bit, and take their trash into town as I was heading there anyway.
Calabash Bay, Long Island — 01•02•22
I wanted to get Trouble out for a sail and the Georgetown anchorages were getting crowded. Anchor up and underway at 0755 hours. It was a short motor up the Stocking Island pass, till I was able to get the sails up. I knew it would be an upwind sail, but the winds looked perfect at 15 knots.

After clearing the pass I got the full main up and genoa out and shut the engines down. With the daggerboards down Trouble took off into a slight chop. She really comes into her element powered up. With the apparent wind in the low 20s, I probably should have put a reef in. But we were not bashing into the waves too bad, and Trouble really seemed to be liking the sail. We were doing over 8 knots and would get into Calabash before noon.

It was one of those perfect sails, that ended just a little too soon. I got the sails down and engines on coming into Calabash Bay. When I dropped anchor, there was only one other boat. By the end of the afternoon, there were over half a dozen boats. I guess everyone had the same idea.

This anchorage is large and the boats spread themselves out nicely. The water is an unbelievable color with a nice sand bottom. I decided to hang out here for a few days and do some catch-up on the blog. I’ve got a few days before I have to move the boat, as a big Northerly front is coming this weekend.