Hog Cay, Ragged Islands — 02•18•22
Running out of food and dinghy gas I had to start thinking about working my way out of the Raggeds and getting to “civilization”. But, first I had to do the inaugural Valentine’s Day Party that Maxine from Ragged Island puts on every year for the cruisers at the Tiki Hut.
Hog Island Valentine’s Day Party — 02•19•22
The Hog Island Valentine’s Day Party is put on by Maxine from Duncan Town, Ragged Island. There is also a live auction of unwanted stuff from Cruisers boats. All the proceeds go toward the school on Ragged Island. It was a crowded affair with over 30 boats in the bay and quite of few locals from Ragged Island showed up for the auction.

If a local was interested in an item, it was noted by the cruiser to not bid it up and let the locals get it cheaply.
Maxine put on a great spread and the auction got lively at times. I really didn’t need anything so I didn’t bin on anything.

I made an early day of it as I was headed out of the Raggeds & Jumentos to get to civilization for food and dinghy gas.
Prep For Departure To Flamingo Cay — 02•20•22
I was up early to get Trouble ready for departure to Flamingo Cay, approximately 43 nm. Engines on and anchor up by 0700. Full sails up and engines shut down at 0720. It was going to be a pretty good sail, but mostly all upwind. A few other boats had already left the harbor about an hour before me.
Trouble got set up in her upwind configuration, with daggerboards down and sails flat. To make up time on the boats ahead of me I followed their tracks which were a little less conservative than mine.

I tend to try to give all unknown areas and shallow spots a pretty wide berth. When I passed the boats later in the day, I was now leading and had to skirt the “Danger Zones” on the Chartplotter. This dictated no autopilot and a keen visual on the surface water ahead of Trouble. It looked better visually than what I saw on the Chartplotter.
I had no issues and pulled into Coconut Bay on Flamingo Cay by 1315. No other boats were here. It took two tries to get a pretty good anchor set in this small bay. It also required me to get pretty close to the beach, which seemed sketchy but the water had pretty good depth almost all the way to the beach.
By sunset, Flamingo Cay had about 8 boats. Some of the boats I had passed and some coming from the other direction. Some of these boats had a hard time getting their anchors to hold and ended up a little further out where the sand was deeper. It was going to be a pretty good night so they would be fine.

Lip Jewlery — 02•21•22
Everyone started to head out in the morning. Trouble was anchor up and full sails by 0630. This was going to be an all-upwind day, into Thompson Bay, Long Island. I had the sails up till 0900. There was not the room to tack, so sails down and engines on. Most of the other boats going in the same direction as Trouble were going to Barretarre. This was a better point of sail, but I didn’t want to go the George Town for provisioning. I might try that route my next time out of the Raggeds/Jumentos.
Well if I was going to be burning fuel I might as well troll a line and see if I catch anything. Shortly after putting the line out. It started spooling out. I reel it in and it didn’t seem to be giving any fight. So I thought it must be something small. It hadn’t breached so I couldn’t tell what it was. I slowed the boat down and kept reeling him in. It was not really fighting and felt small. When I got it next to the boat it was a huge Wahoo, about 4′. How am I going to get this in the boat by myself? I was trying to figure out the way to try to gaff him when he made a huge move and just snapped the line a foot from the boat.
That was my good lure, now Lip Jewelry on a Wahoo. Down to one lure, I put it in and started Trouble on her path again. Shortly after I got another hit. This one was thrashing and making a big fuss. I figured it must be a Barracuda. Sure enough when it gets closer it’s obviously a barracuda. Barracuda are not good eating with a possibility of Ciguatera fish poisoning. I got him aboard and went to grab a camera and pliers to save my last lure. After a photo, I went in to get my lure, and he made a big thrash and snapped the line and hoped in the water.

With two fish swimming around with Lib Jewelry, I decided to give up fishing. That and I also didn’t have any more lures.
Thompson Bay, Long Island — 02•21•22
Trouble pulled into Thompson Bay and had her anchor down at 1430. The bay was pretty crowded. I guess last year I got spoiled with so few boats down here. This is a huge bay and had no problems finding a place to drop anchor.
The next few days were shopping for supplies getting dinghy gas and I even jugged diesel for Trouble as I burned a bit the last day getting here. I found some fresh carrot cake at the station while getting fuel. I of course had to go back the next day for more “Fuel”.
Thompson Bay is a familiar and comfortable bay, with great holding and pretty good protection. Hillside Food Supply store is easy to get to and nicely stocked. Even getting fuel at Long Island Petroleum is easy. I could pull Trouble up to the fuel dock, but I decided to fill Jerry Jugs to get the fuel back to Trouble.
Now I’m all stocked up and have decided to head back to the Jumentos. I’ll try a few different anchorages and spearfishing spots this next time.