The Marina at Emerald Bay, BS — 12•27•23
After a great time with family in San Diego, I needed to get Trouble moving. So today we were headed to Red Shanks in Elisabeth harbour. Red Shanks had just been added to the Exumas Parks and had new mooring installed. They were free until they figured out how the payment would work.

Red Shanks, Great Exuma, BS — 12•31•23
0755—Anchor up. I had a small window to get to the Raggeds before the next front arrived. I headed out and was able to sail down to Flamingo Cay. The wind was From the north, and there was still a swell from NNW, which made its way into the anchorage at Flamingo Cay. I tucked Trouble in Two Palm Bay, which is pretty tight. When I arrived, only one other boat was there. The holding for the anchor is poor in a few spots. I was able to get a good set on the anchor. But it was a little unnerving with rocks directly behind Trouble if the anchor dragged. The bay filled up by nightfall, and it was a bouncy, windy night.
Flamingo Cay, Jumentos, BS — 01•01•24
Happy New Year. We all survived the night, but everyone left at first light To head further south. I pulled into Hog Cay around 1245. It was good to be back in the Raggeds.
The Raggeds, BS — 01•03•24
I moved Trouble to Little Ragged, also known as Between the Raggeds, which lies between Ragged Island and Little Ragged Island. It’s one of the few spots you can hide from west winds in the Raggeds. With the front coming through, it made for a safe, quiet anchorage with four other boats.

The other boats left after the front passed. I stayed down here for a week, enjoying the solitude.

Hog Cay in the Raggeds, BS — 01•07•24
I moved Trouble back to Hog Cay, hung out there, and then over to Double Breasted. I spent my time there spearing. While I got some lobster, I wanted a Hogfish. I found a few, but they were shy, and I missed all my shots.
Double Breasted in the Raggeds, BS — 01•15•24
It was time to get back to Georgetown and see some friends. I’d head up to Water Cay and spend some time in my favorite spearing spot. I spent two days there, and it didn’t disappoint.

Water Cay in the Jumentos, BS — 01•17•24
0730—Anchor up. We are headed to Georgetown today. Dolphins lead Trouble out of the anchorage, which is always cool.
Dolphins on the bow are good luck
I had the anchor down in Kidd Cove, Georgetown, before noon. After heading in and Provisioning, I moved Trouble over to Monument Bay for the evening, where E Sea Ryder and Hadhammer were.

Monument Bay, Georgetown, BS — 01•17•24
After I got my anchor down in Monument, which was packed compared to the last time I was here. E Sea Ryder had a few of us over for sundowners. After that, I went off to bed as we’d be heading out the next day. But more about that next blog.

Cover Photo—Speared Lobster at Little Ragged