Back Creek, Annapolis, MD — 09•11•23
Moored to ball #73 in Back Creek, I’ve been ticking off all the small projects I’d like to complete before heading south. I tied my kayak off to an open ball as Mer Du Jour was coming to Back Creek. You are not really supposed to do that to reserve a spot, but I did! They showed up shortly after I did that and had already paid the mooring fee before they showed up.

In between boat projects, there was going out with old friends and new ones.

The anchorages in the Annapolis area are usually pretty tight, with boats very close. Sometimes, when there is no wind, the boats might swing in opposite directions and get close or even touch. But since there is no wind, it is more annoying than dangerous.

Magothy River, MD — 09•19•23
Trouble headed out for an overnighter up the Magothy River at The Horse Farm. It was a short sail up the Chesapeake. Here, we had a rendezvous consisting of Hadhammer, EOS, Mer Du Jour, and Trouble. It was a great get-together, and I think I had a little too much rum flowing that night.

Back Creek, MD — 09•20•23
After the Rendezvous, Trouble headed back to Annapolis. I was without a dinghy as I had it picked up for a few repairs that would take a couple of weeks to complete. I still had my Kayak to get me around, but it made it difficult if I had any large parcels to pick up. I was next to Port Annapolis Marina, where my packages were delivered. They also had a nice new coffee shop to visit and get off the boat for a few hours.

Time To Start Thinking About Heading South
With the dinghy repairs finished, I still needed to pull out the sewing machine and get the dinghy chaps (Cover over the dinghy to protect from UV) repaired. Between all that, I went to the boat show, had my yearly dental appointment, and did more boat stuff.

Time was winding down, so I had to start thinking about departing south. Pete and Dianne from EOS spent some time on Trouble getting boat projects done and getting me to Cosco for a BIG provisioning run.
It was October, and we had a few cold nights. My newly installed diesel heater was probably my favorite thing I installed this last haulout.
My crew was showing up in a couple of days, and Trouble was looking ship shape for her travels south.